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Insight - Comparative study of the socio-economic models of Hospitality Schools in Cambodia

A good practice guide that started in Cambodia and is now spread all over the world.

Together with the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil and in collaboration with the Association ASSET-H&C, b. Consulting has been working for ten months on elaborating a guide of good practices meant for social businesses wishing to improve and support the professional integration of vulnerable youth.

  • This study was conducted in the framework of the FIPESA project, built by Apprentis d' Auteuil and the French non-profit organization Institut Européen de Coopération et de Développement (IECD), to encourage and develop social entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia specifically for the hospitality training schools.

A partnership between b. Consulting and one of the most prominent French NGOs, which supports 36,000 vulnerable young people and families every year in 100 schools.

Pauline Preuss & Martin Thiebaut - Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation, Renaud Fichet Dean of Sala Bai School, Florian Bohême b. Consulting founder.

The Foundation Apprentis d'Auteuil is a social organization dedicated for more than 150 years to welcoming, training, and helping young people with social difficulties in their integration. It has been working closely for years with the IECD that launched in 2016 the Association of Southeast Asian Social Enterprises for Training in Hospitality & Catering (ASSET-H&C), a unique network of innovative vocational training centers that support the social and economic inclusion of vulnerable people in Southeast Asia, through training and professional integration in hospitality & catering.

In this context and as part of the FIPESA project, b. Consulting carried out a comparative study of the socio-economic models of different Social Enterprises specialized in Training and Professional Integration in collaboration with three schools from the ASSET-H&C network :

  • Sala Baï,

  • Bayon Pastry School,

  • PSE (Pour un Sourire d' Enfant).

The main objective of this study was to deliver an action plan for enhancing those schools' models and the production of a guide presenting a series of best practices and recommendations emerging from the work carried out with these schools.

Thus, b. Consulting delivered tools, recommendations, and key figures meant to be adaptable and applicable to as many local contexts and countries as possible.

Among those tools was achieved a salary grid, the result of the collection of more than 1500 data, presenting the levels of remunerations by job category in Cambodia. In Cambodia's context of a meager unemployment rate, this salary grid was meant to reflect the socio-economic inequalities and the impact that graduation might have on career opportunities and salary levels for Cambodian students.

Furthermore, consultants recommended the elaboration of orientation factsheets that would give students a clearer vision of the required qualifications and potential opportunities for various jobs in the hospitality and catering industry. Twenty-three orientation factsheets were produced and delivered in the final study report to illustrate this tool and give incentives for its use.

Presentation to the ASSET - H&C network

b. Consulting was grateful to conclude this year-long work with a presentation of the report in front of an assembly of ASEAN hospitality school directors in Siem Reap, alongside its collaborators who participated in the project. We took this opportunity to highlight an issue we observed during our study: the need for more professional training among professionals of the sector and companies themselves.

As this mainly refers to one of our expertise, we presented the Team Training and Training of Trainers programs developed and organized by b. Consulting. Those programs are tailor-made and aim to provide teams and tourism and hospitality professionals with tools, know-how, and recommendations to succeed in this competitive industry.

Key figures of the report

  • A hundred pages of the report with recommendations

  • Six different structures, including 4 Hospitality training models, audited

  • A toolbox for social business project leaders

  • A salary grid dedicated to the hotel, restaurant, and beverage industry.

  • Twenty-four orientation sheets to reinforce the attractiveness of the hospitality and food & beverage professions.

Orientation sheets example

A study that complements our field actions.

b. Consulting is a team of consultants who are experts in their field: Hospitality, Food & Beverage, Tourism, FMCG. We adapt to the needs of our clients and their projects.

It is always a pleasure for us to conduct more academic studies, which also allows us to refocus on our daily work.

This study for Apprentis d'Auteuils and Asset H&C has allowed us to see that the need for hotel training is paramount for the Food & Beverage industry but that it is not enough.

As we have started to do, b. Consulting will continue and expand its professional training offer directly for the food & beverage companies present in Cambodia.

Hotel schools plus in-company training will be one of the keys to success for our industry.

  • Contact b. Consulting Hospitality Food & Beverage - click-here

  • More information about Apprentis d’Auteuil - click-here

  • More information about the IECD and Asset H&C network - click-here


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1 branch in Phnom Penh - 1 branch in Siem Reap 

© 2023 by b. Consulting Hospitality I Food & Beverage | Tourism Experts Cambodia

registered in Kingdom of Cambodia

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